About Us

About us

What is amakomaya ?

Amakomaya has evolved from focusing solely on mobile and web applications for maternal and child healthcare to becoming a comprehensive IT solutions provider for the healthcare sector. Their new mission and services emphasize a broader range of healthcare information management and technology solutions, which include:

  1. Information Management Systems: Developing tailored systems for various healthcare needs, not limited to maternal and child health but extending to other medical fields as well.
  2. Counseling Systems: Implementing systems designed to facilitate healthcare counseling, improving patient education and support.
  3. Management and Tracking Systems: Creating systems to manage and track health-related information efficiently, which is particularly important during health crises like the ongoing pandemic.
  4. DHIS2 Customization and Training: Specializing in customizing and providing training for the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2), which is widely used for health information management.
  5. Standardizing MNCH Datasets: Standardizing datasets related to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) to ensure consistency and reliability in health data.
  6. Profiling Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR): Implementing FHIR standards to enhance the interoperability of healthcare data, allowing for seamless exchange and integration of health information across different systems.
  7. IT Audit Systems: Developing and implementing robust IT audit systems to ensure data security, integrity, and compliance with regulatory standards.

Amakomaya now aims to leverage technology to significantly enhance public health efforts, ensuring efficient information handling and improved interoperability in the healthcare sector. Their expanded services reflect a commitment to advancing healthcare technology and supporting a wide range of medical needs, ultimately contributing to a healthier future