State of Digital Health around the world today
The non-profit initiative Amakomaya Apps has been a successful mHealth application in Nepal since its inception in 2011. It has contributed innovatively to maternal and child health tracking purposes and provided technical support to the Ministry of Health and Population/Department of Health Services for upgrading DHIS2 and implementing other digital health applications.

Impact of Mother and Child Protection (MnCP) Program on Pregnant Women in Rural area
Dhamanaya Sherpuja from Histan VDC, Myagdi, she is expecting her first baby says, Thank you! For the audio and videos clips about safe motherhood on ..

mBillionth award
On 18th July, 2014, Amakomaya received SPECIAL MENTION award in mBillionth award 2014. The mBillionth award is an annual award ceremony organized by Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) not only to recognize and honor the best .......

Rural Women are deleting Songs from their Cell Phone
Anu Gurung, 16 years old from Thulogau, Rasuwa, excited and requested to delete all the collected popular folk songs and music videos from her micro SD card of cell phone.

Relief and Health Camp in Nuwakot
2015 April 25, Nepal Earthquake also known as a Gorkha Earthquake of 7.3 magnitude made a huge effect in most of the part of the country. Killed more than 8000, people, more than 16000 people are injured, and thousands of people were made homeless with entire village flattened, across many district of the country. Katmandu Durbar Square, centuries-old buildings were destroy....

Building partnership
In the quest providing a new source of information to rural pregnant women, Amakomaya program was launched in Bacheuli Village Development Committee (VDC) in Chitwan District on 21st June 2014. The program was held in Jhuwani Community Library amidst VDC chief, health workers, Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV), pregnant women, library staffs and local residents.

Empowering FCHVs at Kathyad, Mugu by implementing Amakomaya. are deleting Songs from their Cell Phone
Mugu District Coordination Committee (DCC) is located in Province No. 6 of the mid-western Region of Nepal. It borders with Dolpa to east, Bajur to West, Humla and Tibbet to people of Republic of China to the North and Kalikot and Jumla to the south. Mugu lies in the high hills, the lowest elevation point is 1,201 meter and the highest elevation point is 6,717 from sea level.

Pregnancy related content.
18 pregnant women from Dandagaun Village of Rasuwa district have accessed internet from their mobile at first time to download periodic information related to their pregnancy situation. After the introduction of the "Amakomaya" an android based mobile application in 10 different villages of Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Kaski and Myagdi districts more than 350 married women have been encouragingly registering downloading and exchanging pregnancy related content from the internet.

5 ways people bridge divides and build their #IRLDream
Even in the Internet-positive circles we move in, some still dismiss the real life impact of things (especially conversation!) that happen online. People can be quick to pass around this webcomic, which implies that time spent in online communities is trivial. But is there truth in that? What about communities that couldn’t have come together without the Internet? Is the Internet bringing us closer together or is it driving us apart? If you’d like to share your views, join us via LiveStream on May...

10 Great Ways the Internet Is Empowering Women Around the World
This year, International Women's Day will focus on the empowerment of women, highlighting the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which was signed 20 years ago by 189 governments to establish an agenda for realizing women's rights.

1 World Connected
Amakomaya is a web and mobile application to help women in Nepal address the challenges of prenatal care, pregnancy, and maternal mortality. A team of local engineers and healthcare professionals developed Amakomaya after being awarded a US$ 4,000 grant from the Internet Society (ISOC) in 2011. Once a woman sets up her free profile on the application, she receives audio, video, and text content suited to her stage of her pregnancy.

Bridging Nepal’s Urban-Rural Divide in Maternal Healthcare
Nepal’s reduction in maternal mortality is one of the major success stories hailing from the World Health Organizations’ Millennium Development Goals. In 1990, Nepal suffered 790 maternal mortalities per 100,000 live births. By 2013, that number dropped an astonishing 76% to 190 maternal mortalities per 100,000 live births . While this progress is no doubt phenomenal, much of it occurred in urban areas.

Android apps for protecting Pregnant mother and infant babies
Through the use of the Internet, pregnant women can register on demand. Through the use of a username and password, pregnant women can securely obtain information about pregnancy through audio, text and video content. This content is available on mobile phones. Amakomaya.com aims to inform and empower low-income pregnant women about pregnancy and childbirth and care during pregnancy, with a focus on maternal, newborn and child health.

Women in Nepal receive prenatal care via mobile app
In Nepal, it is difficult for expecting mothers to regularly visit their doctors for prenatal health check-ups. They often have to travel a long way on foot to the nearest health clinic, sometimes across very rough terrain. These conditions also make it difficult for local health workers to keep track of patients. Many Nepali women are unaware of the need for regular checkups, or of the precautions they should take during and after pregnancy to keep their babies and themselves healthy. Only 58.3% women receive prenatal care in Nepal.

Technology, Advocacy, and Films are Paving the Way for Equal Rights in the Country. It was late one night when a midwife received a frantic phone call. It was the first pregnancy for 28-year-old Asha (name changed), and her husband sounded worried. Her amniotic fluid was leaking. With urgency, the midwife asked them to visit the nearest health facility. There was no transportation at night near their home in the Chitwan district, and the two decided to wait until morning. But the midwife, well aware of the dangers, did not give up. She called the couple over and over again until th..

Amakomaya [Mother’s Love]: mHealth project (Nepal, 2011 onwards)
Amakomaya, translated as Mother’s Love in Nepali, was initiated by a dedicated team of local ICT experts and health professionals when they received a USD4,000 grant from the Internet Society in 2011. Committed to tackle the challenges that Nepali women face during pregnancy and childbirth; and equipped with the skills to leverage opportunities, including those that the Internet and mobile communications offer, the team is making a series of breakthroughs, particularly in women’s health education, changing..

Mobile Health Applications' Impact on Improving Health and Generation of Health Promoting Information for the End User in Rural Areas
The application of mobile health (mHealth) solutions has brought promising solutions in the healthcare field, and both rural and urban areas have embraced it. Mobile technology provides a simple, swift, and affordable platform in rural areas where internet services are still unavailable. The developing countries have aspired to stir up the healthcare field by utilizing mobile technology in different ways to catch up with the exponential growth of mobile technology.

Research Cluster
Research is search for new knowledge which is very use full for development of developing country like India, due to social, economic, cultural conditions in India cluster play a very important role in the field of research and development. Research it involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. Research projects can be used to develop further knowledge on a topic, or for education. Research is the process of solving problems and finding facts in an organized way. Sometimes, Research is used for challenging or making contribution to generalizable knowledge. We may have to find some new al...

The Global South eHealth Observatory
At the time of writing, 95% of the world’s population is covered by a mobile network used by more than seven billion accounts. The internet penetration rate has grown from 6% in 2000 to 43% in 2015, getting 3.2 billion people online. In a context where access to healthcare remains a major concern of people living in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, eHealth tools that combine Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and care are of fundamental importance

7 Nepali apps to make women’s lives better
Smartphones are one of the most important gadgets that we use in this modern society that are greatly personalised devices. One can install applications that will benefit humankind in various aspects of life as there are some applications that will benefit a large group of people.

Research Cluster
Research is search for new knowledge which is very use full for development of developing country like India, due to social, economic, cultural conditions in India cluster play a very important role in the field of research and development. Research it involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. Research projects can be used to develop further knowledge on a topic, or for education. Research is the process of solving problems and finding facts in an organized way. Sometimes, Research is used for challenging or making contribution to generalizable knowledge. We may have to find some new al...

Information that saves lives
Binod Poudel, from the Nepalese village of Dandagaun, recently decided to spend NRs 6,000 (US $60) – a very high sum for local standards – to buy an android mobile phone. His main goal: offer his pregnant wife the opportunity to access the “Amakomaya” website.

The mountainous terrain of Nepal constitutes a challenge to those seeking to ensure increasing access to health information for pregnant women and the mothers of infants and babies. The Amakomaya initiative has developed and implemented unique android apps for pregnant women and health workers to access need-based health information and issue ....

The Possibility of Using Open Source Software in International Cooperation
The Possibility of Using Open Source Software in International Cooperation